In this blog, we’ll be sharing 10 tips to stay productive that we find helpful, especially at times like these, where we are all stuck at home pretty much-doing nothing along with all this Covid-19 pandemic going on. Each one of us wants to be productive and get things done, rather than just kind of sit at home and watch Netflix, even though that’s quite as fun as well.
The 1 Year Goal:
The 1-year goal is asking yourself a question that “In one year, what will I regret not starting today?”. And we think this is beneficial because when we’re deciding what to do, especially at times of social distancing where we’re all stuck indoors for a long time. We think it’s essential to think about giving service to our future selves.
And when you ask yourself the one-year question, you bring loads of thoughts to mind.
- Like, a year from now, I wish I were a better guitarist,
- I wish I had book reviews on my website,
- I wish I’d been going to the gym more seriously,
- I wish I’d been taking my posture and stretching more seriously.
These are all sorts of things that you know, a year from now you will regret not starting today.
Pen Things Down:
Penning things is writing down the tasks you want to accomplish in any one given day. This is true for all days, but it’s especially important when you’re at home all the time. Because there are so many distractions including the fridge filled with your favorite food, the TV and Netflix, the bed if you want to lie down. There are ample of distractions! So, write down the tasks that you want to accomplish so you can try and make sure to prioritize and schedule out your day.
Work from Home:
We know this is only for a select group of audience. Many of you can’t go to work and can’t get a paycheck which is a tragedy in itself, but for those of you that have a job that can work from home, be grateful that you can continue to do your job and still get it done. Just because you’re home don’t let yourself get distracted. Get your stuff done as quickly and early as you can, so you can make use of the rest of the day when no one’s distracting you and no one’s going to call you to head outside. You’re not going to get stuck in traffic there’s so much valuable time in the day.
Read Books:
One activity that we presumably ever do, only if we have the time is, read books. And trust us, books are so essential! We tend to read mostly nonfiction, but we’re trying to get into fiction a little bit more. It’s a fascinating thing how we can train our minds, and learn new things anytime, anywhere through books which helps us to stay productive when bored. You may start your own blog also, this will give you knowledge and experience
Explore New Things:
Another great job you can do is learning new skills on platforms like SkillShare, master class, YouTube, etc. There are so many informative outlets for you guys to gather new knowledge. New knowledge and new skills make you feel like you’re alive and that you’re improving and not just hanging out around the house like a potato. You are probably reading this blog because you are trying to stay productive in your life. So, learning new things is something you can do easily when you have more time at home.
Make Playlists:
The last mental task is making playlists. Many of us love music and We love having our playlists like specific buys, but that’s something we never find the time to do, and something super important to us once we’ve done it! This is kind of a contradiction, but that’s just how life goes. So, take the time and make some playlists. You can listen to music while you’re inside dancing around to it. Also, it’s a good idea to make a fun quarantine playlist and then make some playlists for when life is going to start back which is going to be relieving.
Work Out:
Just because you can’t go to a gym, doesn’t mean that you stop working out. You can do amazing in-home workouts to stay productive when you’re bored. Also, make sure that you stretch this is another essential job. Usually, you don’t have the time you just rush to your workout. You get up and get on with your day. Stretching is super important to keep your body healthy especially, while you’re working out so try and make the effort to stretch after you’re done with working out.
Parkinson’s Law:
Parkinson’s Law states that work expands to fill the time that we allocate to it. So, the more time we give ourselves to do something, the more time the task will take. If we give ourselves less time to do the job, it will get done in that time. And we’ve all experienced this like the night before a deadline the night before an essay or assignment is due or whatever we just get it done. Whereas if we know it’s due three months from now, then we’ll just procrastinate and put it off.
Organize your Stuff:
Do some organization and some cleaning around the house. It is time for the cleanout so you can probably go through your closet and see what pieces you might not want to carry forward into the new season and then put those off.
And last but not least, after all those activities we think it’s a great time to meditate. Simply to find some peace and some mindfulness in what we’re facing right now, overall. But also, to be in your home and to be really in harmony with the fact that you’re going to stay there for a while. We love meditation for a multitude of reasons but you guys probably have heard enough about meditation so we’re not going to go into detail.
So, these were a few of our tips, to stay productive when bored.